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Please talk to your GP about best options for you and your child.
“There is no such thing as a baby, there is a baby and someone.” —Donald Woods Winnicott
British site with great advice for all sorts of toiletting and incontinence issues.
AHA Parenting
Dr Laura Markham, US psychologist who has fabulous advice on parenting at all ages and stages.
Kid’s Health
A New Zealand based website with advice on all sorts of health issues, put together by the Paediatric Society of New Zealand and Starship.
Auckland’s Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) service who provide funding to individuals with a disability until the age of 65.
Child Disability Allowance
An allowance from WINZ that you may be eligible for if your child’s disability is significantly impairing.
Disability Connect
Fabulous local service helping families of children with disability find resources and supports.
Provide advocacy and support services for individuals with disabilities.
Advocacy and support services for intellectual disability.
Australasian Allergy and Immunology Society – great resources for asthma, eczema and allergies.
How to Keep Children Safe
A great page with practical tips on all sorts of safety for kids, including keeping them safe from sexual abuse.
All health consumers have rights – this is the site of the Health and Disability Commisioner.
Zero to Three
Fabulous site about early emotional and relational health for under fours.
Children’s Books
We love books in our family. They can be a great tool for helping address all sorts of issues – reading about someone else’s experience can help make it easier to talk about an issue or can just start to build vocab for kids to talk about what’s going on for them. Here are some of my favourites:
Llama llama, mad at mama by Anna Dewdney
We all get angry and so do our little people! A great story about little llama having a tough day but working through hard feelings and coming out the other side.
In my heart by Jo Witek
A beautiful book translated from French that gives some lovely language around feelings – always helpful!
My body belongs to me by Jill Starishevsky
Important messages about consent and kids being able to speak up when something happens that they don’t like. As much as we wish this wasn’t an issue, this is so important to prepare your children for.
Some secrets should never be kept by Jayneen Sanders
Another book to teach children that it is ok and important to speak up when bad things happen. Definitely one to read with your kids.
Mama, do you love me? by Barbara M. Joosse and Barbara Lavallee
Such a gorgeous book set in Inuit culture about the unconditional love of a parent. Even when the child does something really hard for the parent the message is that, even though the parent may feel sad or angry or frightened, the child will always be loved.
When I’m feeling scared by Trace Moroney
This is one of a series of books by a Melbourne child psychologist. Useful for talking about different feelings.
My friend is sad by Mo Williams
One of a series about Piggie and Gerald (an elephant). Lovely for talking about empathy and friendships.
Where did I come from? by Peter Mayle
An oldie but a goodie. Part of being comfortable in our bodies and being able to look after ourselves is understanding how our bodies work and things like where babies come from. I’m a great believer that kids will take in the information they are ready for.
I just want to be… me! by Timothy and Sandra Bowden
A graphic novel for older kids (reading age 8+) about big feelings.
Guji-Guiji by Chih-Yuan Chen
A gorgeous story about the accidental adoption of a crocodile by a duck family. Guiji Guji struggles with his identity but comes to accept who he is.
The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb
A beautiful book about precious memories that we hold in our hearts and then can share with those we love.
Helpful Books for Parents
We love books in our family. They can be a great tool for helping address all sorts of issues – reading about someone else’s experience can help make it easier to talk about an issue or can just start to build vocab for kids to talk about what’s going on for them. Here are some of my favourites:
The No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers by Elizabeth Pantley
We can all go a bit crazy when we’re sleep deprived. This is a great guide to what it normal sleep and how to get the best sleep for everyone in the family.
The Baby Book by William and Martha Sears
There are plenty of baby books out there but I particularly like this one. It strikes a good balance between being responsive to your baby’s needs and having realistic expectations.
Siblings without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
One of my all-time favourite parenting books. So helpful for our kids (even from two and four years old!) Once again a great balance between responsive parenting and safe, clear boundaries.